November/December 2020 | Vol. XXXIII No. 2

Science Returns to Informing Federal Policies

The Trump administration systematically used budget cuts and regulatory changes to undermine scientific contribution to public policy.

The Suri and Fisher Reports on Outside Gifts

The establishment of the Ad Hoc Faculty Committee on Guidelines for Outside Engagements (“Suri Committee”) and the Ad Hoc Faculty Committee to Review MIT Gift Processes (“Fisher Committee”) came as a response . . .

MIT’s Plan for the Spring Semester

On November 2, 2020, I wrote to the MIT community to share our current plan for the spring semester.

Teach Talk
Moving Abruptly Online: What it was like for Faculty and for Students

Like so many institutions around the world, MIT made the abrupt transition to online teaching in the midst of the pandemic, thrusting all 1,251 of its spring 2020 courses online in late March.

Teach Talk
Teaching Under Covid: Losses Outweigh Gains

Covid has presented all walks of life with unique and unprecedented challenges. But there can be some silver linings.

The Problem with Philanthropy

Charitable giving is one of the few things in the world that seems to be wholly good.

The MIT Corporation: Reviewing Governance

The MIT Corporation is the Institute’s governing board and, at full strength, has 78 members.

In Memoriam
Angelika Amon

It is with deep sadness that we record today a memorial resolution marking the passing of Professor Angelika Amon, our valued colleague, a groundbreaking researcher, an inspiring mentor, and a friend.

LGBTQ+ Scientists and STEM

I hope this finds you and yours well. I write with a fourfold purpose . . . .

Does MIT Support DEI Education in STEM?

We’re inspired to overcome our shortcomings as long as we’re aware of them.

Nationwide Unemployment Insurance Fraud Scheme

During the pandemic, an unemployment insurance fraud scheme has been targeting unemployment assistance programs across the country.

MIT Volpe Construction Plan Will Damage Faculty Housing Initiative

We are writing to bring to your attention an issue that has deeply troubled us.

The Final Commencement

The heat wave mercifully departed New England just one day preceding the 246th commencement ceremony of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.