Protecting Freedom of Expression at MIT
The recent EAPS lecture cancellation has raised again questions of academic freedom, a central issue for all faculty. In this issue of the Faculty Newsletter we publish a series of articles very broadly addressing the questions of free expression on a campus. The articles are: “Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression” from Sally Haslanger; “Letter by 77 MIT Faculty Re: Professor Abbot’s Lecture Cancellation“; “Is MIT Losing Control of its Own Destiny?” from Eduardo Kausel and John Williams; “Improving MIT’s Written Commitment to Freedom of Expression” from Alex Byrne and Bernhardt Trout; “Feedback on the First Draft of MIT’s ‘Five-year Strategic Plan for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’ ” from Richard C. Larson; and “My Soviet Past: Why We Need to be Vigilant About Academic Freedom” from Areg Danagoulian.