November/December 2023 | Vol. XXXVI No. 2

MIT Values and the Protests in Lobby 7

Social movements and social protests come in many forms and have different purposes.

Gaza: What Have We Learned from the bin Salman Scandal?

The war in the Middle East is forcing us to confront the often-silenced dialogue around Israel and Palestine.

Sending MIT Students to War with Water Pistols

I am strolling along my wormhole – a hypothetical cylinder from the theory of general relativity that is a topological shortcut between different points in spacetime . . .

From The Faculty Chair
A High Bar in Hard Times

This column is being written in late November, into a future of several weeks from now that seems especially unpredictable.

The MIT Campus Responds to Recent Events on Campus Concerning the War in the Middle East

The following six articles are all unsolicited submissions to the MIT Faculty Newsletter from Institute faculty, students, and staff, regarding recent events on the MIT campus.

An Open Letter From Faculty & Staff Regarding Freedom of Expression and Student Safety at MIT

We, MIT faculty and staff are writing to you to voice our growing concerns about the safety of the MIT community.

Thanking the Protesting Students

An MIT Faculty Member
As the administration has repeatedly noted, the MIT Statement on Freedom of Expression and Academic Freedom reserves the right to limit “the time, place, and manner of protected expression, including organized protests . . .

Engaging Constructively with Israel/Palestine

In response to: "Gaza: What Have We Learned from the bin Salman Scandal?"

Antisemitism on Campus

MIT Israel Alliance
Social movements and social protests come in many forms and have different purposes.

What I Learned

I was asked by a group of students to provide a response to the FNL “Editorial Subcommittee” article titled “What Have We Learned . . . .”

Standing Together Against Hate: From the River to the Sea, From Gaza to MIT

First things first: Thanks to the students at MIT’s Coalition for Palestine (MIT C4P), especially MIT’s Coalition Against Apartheid (MIT CAA) . . .

The Academic Well-Being Initiative

We invite you to be a part of our mission to cultivate engaged undergraduate students who emphasize their well-being.

The Nomination Process for Faculty Officers and Faculty Committee Membership

Our aim in this article is to provide a description of the work done by the faculty Committee on Nominations in order to increase transparency as well as inform faculty about some changes in the nomination and election process.

A Third Update on Research Administration

Over the course of several progress reports in these pages, most recently in fall 2022, the Institute’s research administration leadership has outlined the ongoing transformation of our research and sponsored activity enterprise.