September/October 2022Vol. XXXV No. 1

Faculty Newsletter Business

Upcoming Editorial Board Elections

Later this fall, we will be holding elections for new members of the Faculty Newsletter Editorial Board. As always, these elections will be held electronically, and all faculty members and emeritus faculty will be eligible to vote. Election to the FNL Editorial Board is the only election at MIT open to all faculty and emeritus faculty. We strongly encourage you to vote when you receive your email invitation.

Ruth Perry Donation

Much thanks to Ruth Perry, longtime FNL Editorial Board member and Ann Fetter Friedlaender Professor of Humanities, Emeritus and MacVicar Faculty Fellow for her most generous sustaining donation to the Newsletter. Her gift will help ensure the continued existence of the MIT Faculty Newsletter and allow us to improve our web presence and hold live forums. The Editorial Board has long benefitted from Ruth’s participation, and her gift will strengthen her legacy of independent analysis and vigorous defense of academic freedom in the best sense.