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Vol. XXXV No. 2November/December 2022

Never Mind the Firehose, You Can’t Even Lead Them to Water

W. Craig Carter
I’m co-teaching this semester and have been attending my co-instructor’s lectures. I’ve been sitting behind the students and observing how they are engaging. It’s not pretty. My rough estimates are...

Vol. XXXV No. 1September/October 2022

Faculty and Staff Views on the Choice of the Next MIT President: A Recap of Last Spring’s Faculty Newsletter Zoom Forum

On May 24, 2022, the Faculty Newsletter hosted a Zoom forum on the selection of the next president of MIT. Following is an abbreviated version of that presentation. Introduction Jonathan...

Vol. XXXV No. 1September/October 2022

Faculty Newsletter Business

Upcoming Editorial Board Elections Later this fall, we will be holding elections for new members of the Faculty Newsletter Editorial Board. As always, these elections will be held electronically, and...

Vol. XXXV No. 1September/October 2022

Prof. Vera Kistiakowsky, 1928-2021

Jonathan A. King, Ruth Perry, Robert P. Redwine
Prof. Vera Kistiakowsky passed away on December 11, 2021 at the age of 93. Dr. Kistiakowsky was the first woman to be appointed a professor of physics at MIT (1972)....

Vol.XXXV No. 3January-April 2023

State Housing Policies and Their Impact on MIT Students, Faculty, and Staff

Rep. Mike Connolly
Thousands of MIT graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty are impacted by decisions made by our state legislature. One of the areas where the legislature can have the biggest impact...

Vol.XXXV No. 3January-April 2023

In Memoriam: Melvin H. King

Jonathan A. King, Ceasar McDowell, Ruth Perry, Sally Haslanger
Mel King Boston area newspapers have carried many articles recently describing the extraordinary contributions of Mel King to the social and political life of Massachusetts. He was a leader in...

Vol. XXXV No. 1September/October 2022

from the MIT Survey of New Students, 2022 and 2018

Vol.XXXV No. 4May/June 2023

Mary C. Fuller New Chair of the Faculty

Newsletter Staff
Professor Mary C. Fuller will succeed Lily Tsai as Chair of the Faculty on July 1, 2023, after serving as Chair-elect during the current academic year. Mary is Professor of...
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