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Vol.XXXV No. 3January-April 2023

A Response to “Open Letter to Presidents Biden, Putin, and Zelensky: Pursue Diplomatic Solutions to Avoid Nuclear War”

David Gamarnik, Pavel Etingof
February 2, 2023 A recent editorial letter, “Open Letter to Presidents Biden, Putin, and Zelensky: Pursue Diplomatic Solutions to Avoid Nuclear War,” published in the MIT Faculty Newsletter November/December issue...

Vol.XXXV No. 3January-April 2023

A Response to the Article by the Coalition Against Apartheid

Daniel Jackson
A recent Faculty Newsletter (Vol. XXXV No. 1; September/October 2022) included a two-page article entitled “Palestine, MIT, and Free Speech: A Letter from Student Activists to Our Professors” alleging encumbrances...

Vol.XXXV No. 3January-April 2023

Planning for Commencement 2023

James Poterba
MIT introduced a new format for Commencement last year. Rather than awarding all degrees at a single marathon event on Killian Court, the practice prior to the 2020 and 2021...

Vol.XXXV No. 3January-April 2023

Some Thoughts on the Decline of Students’ Focus

Alexander Slocum
I too have observed a steady decline in focus of students. (See: “Never Mind the Firehose, You Can’t Even Lead Them to Water,” MIT Faculty Newsletter, November/December 2022.) Adding insult...

Vol. XXXV No. 1September/October 2022

Lessons on Governance from Yale

Robert Berwick, Nazli Choucri, Jonathan A. King
A recent article in the Chronicle of Higher Education by Len Gutkin, “The Review: The Report Yale Doesn’t Want You to See” (August 22, 2022) is very illuminating about how...

Vol. XXXV No. 1September/October 2022

Concern with MIT’s Response to Professor Abbot

Vera Yudovina
To The Faculty Newsletter: As a mother of a 2015 graduate, I fully agree with the opinions of Dr. Geil, and with the open letter. We had sent our son...

Vol.XXXV No. 4May/June 2023

The Faculty Needs Its Own Committee on Graduate Student Union Negotiations

Nazli Choucri, Sally Haslanger, Jonathan A. King, Ruth Perry
The relationship between graduate students and their faculty mentors is the most sensitive, important, and most productive component of MIT’s academic and intellectual fabric. It is totally unacceptable that the...

Vol. XXXIV No. 5May/June 2022

On the Closing of the MIT Pharmacy

Michael J. Cima
To The Faculty Newsletter: I very much agree with this op/ed (“On Closing the MIT Pharmacy“). The closing of the MIT pharmacy was a real shock to me. It comes...

Aron Bernstein: In Memoriam (Robert Redwine)

Like many of you, I knew Aron for quite a long time. I knew him a bit before I joined the faculty at MIT, because he was of course already...

Aron Bernstein: In Memoriam (Richard Milner)

Physicist I recall first meeting Aron at the Intersections Conference in Rockport, Maine on May 14-19, 1987. He and I collaborated on pioneering experiments to measure spin-dependent electron scattering from...
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