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Vol. XXXV No. 1September/October 2022

Transforming Research Administration: Second Update

Maria T. Zuber, Krystyn J. Van Vliet
Earlier this year, we provided a progress report on MIT’s work to transform its research and sponsored activity enterprise to meet the needs of principal investigators (PIs) in a changing...

Vol. XXXV No. 1September/October 2022

Encourage Your Students to Vote

Dear Fellow Faculty, In 1998, the Higher Education Act was amended to require universities to make a good faith effort to encourage student voter registration. At MIT, 72% of eligible...

Jonathan King: (Edward L. Loechler)

I have been a Professor of Biology at Boston University since 1984. I have published 80+ scientific articles in my field of specialization: how chemicals cause cancer. I closed my...

From Building Model Airplanes to Learning How Viruses and Complex Proteins are Built, at MIT, with Many Partners

Jonathan King Professor of Molecular Biology, Emeritus Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA Early Years in Brooklyn When I was three years old I contracted polio, affecting my knees....

Jonathan King: (Lisa Guisbond)

I’ve had the great good fortune to work with Jonathan in many contexts, beginning with the anti-MCAS movement in the late 1990s, when I first experienced the way he combined...

Jonathan King: (Frank Clemente)

Not writing a poem since grade school It seems like an odd time to restart I take the risk of looking like a fool But instead I think I’m quite...

Jonathan King: (Louis Kruger)

One of my fondest memories of Jonathan occurred before I interviewed him about the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) for a documentary that I was making. He was an early...

Jonathan King: (Jill Nelson)

Jonathan King has been a mentor in so many areas to so many people in his life. I am one of them. When I moved to Boston in the early...

Jonathan King: (Bruce Parry)

I’ve known Jon for about 40 years. I’ve always called him Jon, not Jonathan. He never corrected me, so to this day I don’t really know which he prefers. I...

Autostery, Quasi-equivalence, and Procapsid Assembly. From Brandeis to MIT.

Peter E. Prevelige Jr. Professor Dept. of Microbiology, BBRB 416/6 Univ. of Alabama @ Birmingham 845 19th St. South Birmingham AL. 35294-2170 Phone 205 266-8383 My interest in...
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