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Vol.XXXVI No. 4April 2024

Bringing It All Back Home

The Editorial Board of the MIT Faculty Newsletter
The events in Gaza, one-third of the way around the world, are impacting our students, our faculty and staff, local City Councils, State Legislatures, and even the US Presidential race....

Vol.XXXVI No. 4April 2024

Presentation to the Institute Faculty Meeting

Jonathan A. King
20 March 2024 Madame President, Officers and Members of the Faculty, and Faculty Committees. It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to address you on the origins and current...

Vol.XXXVI No. 4April 2024

A Statement on Jewish Activism, Safety, and Recent Events at MIT

MIT Jews for Ceasefire
We, the MIT Jews for Ceasefire, a group of Jewish students, staff, and faculty, are writing to ask you, members of the faculty, to challenge the widely reported claim that...

Vol.XXXVI No. 3January-March 2024

Our Public Sphere, or, How to Meet as a Faculty

Mary C. Fuller
A colleague wrote to us early last semester to complain that Institute faculty meetings are boring. Since then, it’s probably fair to say that meetings have experienced one of their...

Vol.XXXVI No. 3January-March 2024

Faculty, Students, and Postdoctoral Scholars

Vol.XXXVI No. 3January-March 2024

Phi Beta Kappa at MIT: A Golden Opportunity to Recognize Undergraduate Excellence

Emily Richmond Pollock
Did you know that MIT’s chapter of the national honor society Phi Beta Kappa annually recognizes around 75-90 senior undergraduates for their broad excellence and achievements in liberal arts and...

Vol.XXXVI No. 3January-March 2024

Why I Participated in the CAA Rally

Fedaa Alsoufi
Editor’s Note: On occasion, the Faculty Newsletter feels it appropriate to publish letters from students. This is one of those occasions. To whom it may concern, My name is Fedaa...

Vol.XXXVI No. 3January-March 2024

Timeline that Led to the Suspension of the Coalition Against Apartheid (CAA)

Franz-Josef Ulm
Since October 7, 2023, tension has been rising between maintaining an orderly and civil campus environment within a set of rules and the need on matters of moral urgency to...

Vol.XXXVI No. 4April 2024

Questioning the “Mea Culpa”: Mathematically and Administratively

Prahlad Balaji Iyengar
I am a first-year PhD student in the EECS department studying quantum information. I was also, along with other students, ejected from the February 14 Institute faculty meeting without reasonable...
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