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Vol. XXXIV No. 1September/October 2021

Actions We Can Take to Address Misinformation and Safeguard the Freedom of Speech

Nicholas A. Ashford
Following on my March 29, 2021 op-ed in the NYTimes, I have given much thought to addressing the societal challenge presented by misinformation and disinformation. Faulty information and outright lies...

Aron Bernstein: In Memoriam (Susan Goldhor)

Aron was as close as you can get to being self-made. He grew up in a financially, intellectually and culturally impoverished family. The things that he loved and that defined...

Vol. XXXIV No. 3January/February 2022

New Commencement Format for 2022

James Poterba
MIT’s student population has grown in recent decades, and with it, the number of graduates participating in Commencement has increased. In 2019, 3,556 students received degrees. That represented a 26...

Vol. XXXIV No. 4March/April 2022

MIT Opens Learning for Refugees

Admir Masic
It’s December 2016, and I’ve just arrived in the port town of Pozzallo in Sicily, where I am watching a group of boys playing soccer. The boys are animated and...

Vol. XXXIV No. 3January/February 2022

Selecting a New President

Sally Haslanger, Jonathan A. King, Ceasar McDowell, Ruth Perry, Nasser Rabbat
In its 156 years, MIT will begin selecting a new president for the nineteenth time. The MIT Corporation will make the selection informed by the recommendation of a Search Committee....

Vol. XXXIV No. 3January/February 2022

A Unifying Online Proposal for MIT’s Educational Mission Based on Open edX

David E. Pritchard
Introduction and Vision MIT was born as an undergraduate institution to prepare students for jobs as “industrial scientists.” Today its vast impact is mainly due to its graduate students, postdocs,...

Vol. XXXIV No. 3January/February 2022

Campus Research Revenues

This graphic shows campus research revenues as percentages by sponsor type, averaged over five fiscal years, 2017-2021....

Vol. XXXIV No. 3January/February 2022

An Update on Research Administration

Maria T. Zuber, Krystyn J. Van Vliet
Over the years, two overarching trends have added to the research administration complexity faced by principal investigators at MIT. First, the fraction of research funding that comes from non-federal sources,...
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