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Vol. XXXIV No. 3January/February 2022

Clarification Needed on MIT’s Commitment to Freedom of Speech

Edward B. Roberts
To The Faculty Newsletter: The long statement by Professors Eduardo Kausel and John Williams (“Is MIT Losing Control of its Own Destiny?”, MIT Faculty Newsletter, Vol. XXXIV, No. 2) is...

Vol. XXXIV No. 3January/February 2022

New Commencement Format for 2022

James Poterba
MIT’s student population has grown in recent decades, and with it, the number of graduates participating in Commencement has increased. In 2019, 3,556 students received degrees. That represented a 26...

Vol. XXXIV No. 3January/February 2022

Reflections on the MIT Graduate Student Union Organizing Campaign

Robert B. McKersie
For those of us teaching and researching industrial relations to have a union organizing campaign unfolding where we work is amazing and engaging. I have been at MIT since 1980...

Vol. XXXIV No. 3January/February 2022

Scholarly Publisher Contracts and New Benefits for MIT Authors

Roger Levy, Chris Bourg
MIT has been using the Framework for Publisher Contracts to guide negotiations with scholarly publishers for more than two years. This principles-based framework aims to support the needs of scholars,...

A Scientific Journey with Professor Jonathan A. King to Uncover Bacteriophage Assembly Process by Pushing the Boundaries of Cryogenic Electron Microscopy and Tomography

Wah Chiu Wallenberg-Bienenstock Professor Stanford University, Stanford, California For nearly 40 years, I have known Jonathan King through our collaboration on cryogenic electron microscopy (cryoEM) of bacteriophages. In the...

Phage Transition: Spatial Organization of Phage Assembly

Christopher Bazinet I came to MIT as a fresh grad student in the fall of 1979. Four years out of undergrad, I had spent a couple of years teaching,...

Vol. XXXIII No. 5May/June 2021

On the 20th Anniversary of OpenCourseWare: How It Began

Hal Abelson, Shigeru Miyagawa, Dick K. P. Yue
On April 4, 2001, MIT President Charles Vest announced that the Institute would make course material from virtually all undergraduate and graduate courses “accessible to anyone anywhere in the world,...

Vol. XXXIV No. 1September/October 2021

Immediate Priorities for Housing Justice in the Massachusetts State Legislature

Mike Connolly
Most MIT faculty tend to pay attention to the federal budget, which funds NIH, NSF, DOE, and other major granting agencies. However, thousands of graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty...

Vol. XXXIV No. 1September/October 2021

Nominate a Colleague as a MacVicar Faculty Fellow

Provost Martin Schmidt is calling for nominations of faculty as 2022 MacVicar Faculty Fellows. The MacVicar Faculty Fellows Program recognizes MIT faculty who have made exemplary and sustained contributions to...

Vol. XXXIV No. 1September/October 2021

Booster Recommendations and the Delta Variant

James C. S. Liu, MD
There has been a great deal of confusion and concern around getting an additional dose of CoViD-19 vaccine. This concern has been driven by the Delta variant, now the dominant...
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