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1986-1988 – A Visitor From a Strange Land
Richard Willson Huffington-Woestemeyer Professor Professor of Biochemical & Biophysical Science William A. Brookshire Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering University of Houston Sometime in 1986 I was standing in...
Vol. XXXIV No. 1September/October 2021
Mens, Manus et Cor
In 2004, to honor retiring MIT President Charles M. Vest, I published an MIT Faculty Newsletter (FNL) article entitled “A Formal Recommendation to the MIT Corporation.” To celebrate the transcendent...
A Marine Photosynthetic Pair: Synechococcus WH8109 and Cyanophage Syn5
Jacqueline Piret, PhD I had the good fortune to spend time in the King Lab as a visitor from across the river. I had earned my Ph.D. (1981) at...
Vol. XXXIV No. 1September/October 2021
Radius: Bringing Ethics to the Center of Science and Technology
“We are at the point of being overwhelmed by the very bulk of our accumulated information, bewildered by the diversity of our manufactures. And we are failing today to assess...
Vol. XXXIV No. 1September/October 2021
Nominate a Colleague as a MacVicar Faculty Fellow
Provost Martin Schmidt is calling for nominations of faculty as 2022 MacVicar Faculty Fellows. The MacVicar Faculty Fellows Program recognizes MIT faculty who have made exemplary and sustained contributions to...
Vol. XXXIV No. 1September/October 2021
Booster Recommendations and the Delta Variant
There has been a great deal of confusion and concern around getting an additional dose of CoViD-19 vaccine. This concern has been driven by the Delta variant, now the dominant...
Vol. XXXIV No. 1September/October 2021
Reflections on edX
The impending changes to edX prompted me to reflect on my own experience. I helped develop one of the first courses offered by edX, 6.00x. Over the years the course...
Vol. XXXIV No. 1September/October 2021
Request for Proposals for Innovative Curricular Projects; The Alex and Brit d’Arbeloff Fund for Excellence in Education
The Office of the Vice Chancellor is soliciting proposals to support larger-scale ambitious projects designed to strengthen MIT undergraduate education and enrich the academic experience of our undergraduates. Proposals can...
Vol. XXXIV No. 1September/October 2021
Elimination of Early Sophomore Standing Was a Step in the Right Direction; Eliminating Advanced Standing Credit is the Next Step
In spring 2021, the Faculty passed a change in the rules and regulations which – among other things – eliminated Early Sophomore Standing (ESS). The argument was “Because it depends...
Vol. XXXIV No. 1September/October 2021
Welcome Back: Library Locations Reopen for Fall 2021
From March 2020 through August 2021, the dedicated staff of the MIT Libraries were able to provide remote services and ongoing access to both digital and tangible content to support...