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Please note, search results include issues May/June 2020 and later. Search prior issues

Vol. XXXII No. 5May/June 2020

Heartsick. Anguished. Enraged.

Helen Elaine Lee
Here we go again with the grief and outrage of being black in America. This time, we’re trying to survive two pandemics. With Covid, our communities are suffering disproportionate sickness...

Vol. XXXII No. 5May/June 2020

Ramping Up On-Campus Research at MIT

Maria T. Zuber, Tyler E. Jacks
After two months of sequestering researchers from campus to address health concerns for our community as the world battled the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, plans are underway to restart...

Vol. XXXII No. 5May/June 2020

“May You Live in Interesting Times”: The Year in Review

Rick L. Danheiser
My term as Chair of the MIT Faculty began on July 1, 2019. To say that it has been an interesting year would be something of an understatement. Revelations about...

Prof. Aron Bernstein Nuclear Disarmament Memorial

In a long and productive life in nuclear physics, Aron was an unflagging advocate for peace and nuclear disarmament, particularly among his scientific colleagues. This page will carry reports, articles,...


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2023 / 2024 Vol. XXXVI No. 4, April html | pdf Vol. XXXVI No. 3, January – March html | pdf Vol. XXXVI No. 2, November / December html |...

Vol. XXXII No. 5May/June 2020

Statement from the Graduate Student Council (GSC)

To the Graduate Student Community, We are deeply angered and heartbroken by the recent killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, as well as the countless others...

Vol. XXXII No. 5May/June 2020

On the Risks and Benefits of New International Engagements

Richard Lester
I write to report on how the Faculty and Administration have together been evaluating the risks of new international engagements – and strengthening our processes for doing so – in...
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